The building process
The building process of S 144 THEMIS

The building process of S 144 THEMIS
Since the establishment of the company Themis Fiskeri A/S, we have created the basis for financing a newly built vessel by purchasing fishing rights and tonnage from other shipping companies in Denmark. We met with the shipyard in autumn 2015 to discuss the possibilities for a new building. The advantage of building and designing in collaboration with Karstensens Skibsværft A/S has partly been the yard’s in-depth knowledge of the shipping company and partly the yard’s experience as a newbuild yard for pelagic fishing vessels.
The initial dialogue between the shipping company and the shipyard was about designing a ship which, in addition to being suitable for the shipping company’s fishing, also focused on minimizing energy consumption, creating good conditions for handling and storing the catch, as well as optimizing safety and the working environment on board. The design process took about 8 months, during which the yard, in close dialogue with us, created the ship’s design and selected subcontractors and main components.

Construction of THEMIS’ hull began at the Nauta hull yard in Poland in October 2016, and was followed closely, both by us and the yard in Skagen.
THEMIS was launched on 28.07.17 in Poland. In September, the hull was towed to Skagen. In Skagen, the fitting-out work itself took place with pipe work, insulation, fitting, electronics work, machinery, winches and cranes. The first 4 months were spent on construction and the last 2 months on start-up, testing and final painting. THEMIS was on its maiden voyage on 10.01.2018.
In February 2018, we were finally able to christen the ship and put it into use. It is a fantastic vessel.
FACTS about the building process
- 5-6 new buildings are built at Karstensens Shipyard A/S and 150-180 ships are accepted for repairs and conversions per year.
- There are 425 employees working at Karstensens Shipyard A/S in Skagen, of which 44 are apprentices.
- Hull construction corresponds to 95 man-years or 140,000 hours of work.
- The total construction process corresponds to 175 man-years or 228,000 hours of work.
- The main engine, the MaK 6M32C, weighs 39 tons.
- The auxiliary motors can produce 2×600 kW power corresponding to approx. 29,000 kWh per Day.
- Almost 70,300 m of cables have been laid on THEMIS.
- Used approx. 15,000 liters of paint on THEMIS, equivalent to 3,000 house paint buckets.
- There are 850 lamps installed on the ship - only 3 are not LED.
- The electricians have used 110,000 strips on board.
- THEMIS would be able to supply power to 3,500 houses.
- The electric winches produce energy when implements are extended, corresponding to 300 kW.
- The RSW tanks, in which the catch is stored, can hold 1,445,000 liters of water.
- THEMIS can sail to the equator from Skagen and return on a full tank of fuel at a speed of 12 knots.
FAKTA om byggeprocessen
- - Der bygges 5-6 nybygninger på Karstensens Skibsværft A/S og tages imod 150-180 skibe til reparationer og ombygninger om året.
- - Der arbejder 425 medarbejdere på Karstensens Skibsværft A/S i Skagen, heraf er 44 lærlinge.
- - Skrogbyggeriet svarer til 95 årsværk eller 140.000 timers arbejde.
- - Den totale byggeproces svarer til 175 årsværk eller 228.000 timers arbejde.
- - Hovedmotoren, MaK 6M32C, vejer 39 tons.
- - Hjælpemotorerne kan producere 2×600 kW strøm svarende til ca. 29.000 kWh pr. døgn.
- Der er trukket knap 70.300 m. kabler på THEMIS.
- - Der er brugt ca. 15.000 liter maling på THEMIS svarende til 3.000 styk husmalingsspande.
- - Der er opsat 850 lamper på skibet – kun 3 er ikke med LED.
- - Elektrikerne har brugt 110.000 strips ombord.
- - THEMIS ville kunne levere strøm til 3.500 huse.
- - De elektriske spil producerer energi, når redskaber fires ud, svarende til 300 kW.
- - RSW tankene, som fangsten opbevares i, kan rumme 1.445.000 liter vand.
- - THEMIS kan sejle til ækvator fra Skagen og retur på en tankfuld brændstof med en fart på 12 knob.